Figs are the fruit of the ficus tree, which is a member of the mulberry family and grows in the Mediterranean region (Moraceae). In addition to having a distinct sweet flavour and a soft and chewy texture, they are also covered in somewhat crunchy, edible seeds. Fresh figs are fragile and perishable, thus they are often dried to extend their shelf life. This results in a dried fruit that is both delicious and healthy, and it can be enjoyed throughout the year.

There are several fig types, each of which has a distinct colour and texture that differs from the others. Their distinctive characteristic is a little bud-like opening at the top of the fruit, known as an ostiole, which aids in the development of the fruit. It was because of the inherent sweetness that they were often employed as a sweetener before the advent of refined sugars.
Advantages in terms of nutrition
A 30g serving of dried figs includes the following nutrients:
- 68Kcal / 290 KJ
- 1.1g protein
- 0.5g fat
- 15.9g carbohydrates
- 3.0g fibre
- 291 mg Potassium
- 75mg Calcium
- 24mg Magnesium
- 1.26mg Iron
An 80g serving of fresh figs provides:
- 34 Kcal / 148KJ
- 1.0g protein
- 0.2g fat
- 7.6g carbohydrate
- 1.6g fibre
- 160mg Potassium
- 12mg Magnesium
- 30mg Calcium
- 120mcg Carotene
A serving of fresh figs weighing 80g qualifies as one of your five-a-day servings, which is equivalent to around two medium-sized fruits. Just 30g of dried fruit qualifies as one of your five-a-day servings since it is equal to 80g of fresh fruit in terms of nutrition.
The top five health advantages
Jump to:
- 1. It is beneficial to one's intestinal health
- 2. Contains a high concentration of antioxidants
- 3. It is possible to maintain healthy blood pressure
- 4. It may be beneficial to bone health
- 5. It has the potential to increase diet quality while also assisting with weight control
- Is it safe to eat figs for everyone?
1. It is beneficial to one's intestinal health
Because of their high fibre content, figs are often advised for their ability to nourish and tone the intestines. They also have the added benefit of acting as a natural laxative. Furthermore, the fibre they give has prebiotic qualities, which means that it feeds the gut bacteria and helps to maintain a healthy gut environment, which in turn helps to enhance digestive wellbeing.
2. Contains a high concentration of antioxidants
Figs, particularly ripe ones, are high in polyphenols, which are plant components that provide antioxidant protection. These molecules possess protective antioxidant characteristics, which means that they assist to prevent oxygen from interacting with other chemicals and causing harm to cells and tissues; as a result, they are essential in the management of oxidation.
3. It is possible to maintain healthy blood pressure
Many of us eat much too much sodium (salt), which is present in processed meals and other processed foodstuff. High salt consumption may result in potassium deficiency, and this imbalance can lead to high blood pressure as a result (hypertension). Consuming a diet high in fruits and vegetables, especially fresh figs, helps to naturally raise potassium levels in the body, which is beneficial in the prevention and management of high blood pressure.
In research evaluating the particular effects of fig extract in animals, it was discovered that both normal and hypertensive subjects had lower blood pressure readings after consuming the extract.
4. It may be beneficial to bone health
Figs are a wonderful source of minerals that are beneficial to the bones, such as calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus. A particular source of calcium is figs, which, according to some research, contain up to 3.2 times the amount found in other fruits.
Because they are an excellent source of potassium, they may be able to help counterbalance the urine excretion of calcium that is produced by a high salt diet. This, in turn, aids in the preservation of calcium in the bones, potentially reducing the incidence of osteoporosis.
5. It has the potential to increase diet quality while also assisting with weight control
Fructans, which are naturally rich in dietary fibre and filled with vitamins and minerals, may be a valuable dietary addition to boost the nutritional density of your diet and, as a result, assist you in weight control efforts. High-fiber meals promote feelings of fullness and may help to decrease appetite and cravings, while important nutrients help to maintain healthy blood sugar levels.
Is it safe to eat figs for everyone?
If you have an allergy to birch pollen, you may develop a cross-reactivity to specific fruits, such as figs, if you eat them often. Fig trees also contain natural latex, which may be irritating to certain persons who are allergic to it.
A significant quantity of oxalates is present in figs, therefore if you have been recommended to follow a low-oxalate diet, you should be aware of this fact. You should keep your fig consumption constant from day to day if you are using anticoagulant medications. Figs, like other vitamin-K-rich foods, should be consumed in moderation if you are taking anticoagulant medications.
People of different backgrounds and beliefs about figs may have different reactions to them. For instance, vegans may avoid eating figs since certain types are pollinated by wasps, which die during the pollination process. Commercial figs are cultivated without the use of wasp pollination, and as a result, should be considered acceptable.
If you are unfamiliar with figs, it is recommended that you consume them in moderation since excessive consumption may have a laxative impact.
If you are on prescribed medication, please consult with your doctor or a qualified dietitian before making any dietary adjustments to your regimen.
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