Did you know that having a little amount of fat on your body is really beneficial? Subcutaneous fat and visceral fat are the two forms of fat that may be stored in our bodies. Subcutaneous fat, on the other hand, is not as damaging and, in most cases, serves a function in controlling our appetites and even protecting our systems from illnesses such as cancer. This sort of fat accumulates just under the surface of the skin and prefers to embrace all various regions of our body, including our arms, thighs, and hips, among others. As a result, there is some scientific validity to the phrase "thick thighs save lives."

The second form of fat that may collect in your body, on the other hand, is generally considered to be the more harmful. Located inside the abdominal wall and around your organs, visceral fat has the potential to raise your risk of developing many chronic conditions such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes. It's critical to your body's health that you eliminate and avoid this sort of fat, which is why it's crucial to understand a few items that may help you lose visceral fat, including a breakfast that can help you start your day off well.
Fortunately, visceral fat is far simpler to lose than subcutaneous fat, owing to a combination of exercise, sleep, and, of course, a nutritious diet. A simple approach to do this is to concentrate on a breakfast that is strong in dietary fiber, such as oatmeal.
Fiber is a great way to start your day!
In a study published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism in 2012 on the intake of dietary fiber and measurements of central adiposity (i.e. visceral fat), 559 adolescents between the ages of 14 and 18 were evaluated, and the findings revealed that increased dietary fiber intake can lower visceral adiposity as well as multiple biomarkers associated with inflammation. dietary fiber intake can be increased by increasing the amount of fruits and vegetables consumed.
It doesn't end there, though. 240 adults were studied for this research, which was published in Annals of Internal Medicine. The researchers came to the conclusion that dietary fiber consumption can be considered a reasonable alternative weight loss solution for adults who have difficulty adhering to a complicated diet regimen after conducting their research. Using the American Heart Association's dietary recommendations, which do result in weight reduction but is a little more complicated for the typical eater, was compared to the results of this study.
Finally, according to another research conducted by the Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, a 10-gram increase in soluble fiber consumed on a daily basis may result in a 3.7 percent reduction in visceral fat over a 5-year period. When you combine it with some modest physical exercise, the rate rises to 7.4%.
The most nutritious breakfast that contains soluble fiber
The search for a high-fiber breakfast that is also rich in soluble fiber is really a lot simpler than you may expect; just turn to your favorite bowl of oats.
Oatmeal has a significant amount of soluble fiber (about 3 grams per 3/4 cup consumption). Soluble fiber, also known as beta-glucan, is a gel-like substance that can dissolve in water and is beneficial for digestion, as well as for decreasing your blood cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Additionally, it aids in the reduction and prevention of the growth of visceral fat in the belly.

Make sure to include the appropriate toppings in your breakfast to give it an even greater increase in soluble fiber. One cup of fresh berries (blueberries, raspberries, or strawberries) may provide nearly a gram of soluble fiber, and a sprinkle of chia seeds and flax seeds can help to round out the nutritional profile. If you're seeking to make a savory bowl of oats, adding a half avocado can also help to increase your soluble fiber intake by a substantial amount. Alternatively, try one of these Best Oatmeal Combinations for Faster Weight Loss, as recommended by a nutritionist.
For those who do not like oatmeal, there are oat-bran cereals available that will provide you with the soluble fiber you need. Make a substantial and satiating breakfast by mixing in some fruit and nuts, and serving it over yogurt to keep you thin and trim.
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