What exactly is the Banting diet, and is it a safe and efficient method of losing weight? What foods are permitted on the diet? Who wouldn't want to give it a shot? We sought the advice of a dietician. When considering a weight-loss plan, make sure you are well-informed on the options available to you...
What Is An Anti-Inflammatory Diet?
During this interview with Nutritionist Kerry Torrens, she explains what inflammation is and investigates if food may make a difference for those who suffer from chronic inflammatory conditions. This page is not meant to be a source of medical advice. If you are experiencing symptoms, consult with your doctor about your treatment options before making...
How Does Diet Affect Gut Health?
We have a complicated system in our digestive system, or 'gut' as it is more often known, that is made up of tissues and organs, each of which has a specific job to play in the digestion and absorption of our meals and snacks. The mouth, oesophagus, stomach, pancreas, gallbladder, liver, and small and large...
Protected: Vegan Bean Recipes
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40+ Easy Carrot Recipes For Easter
The season of Easter is the time for you to indulge in the delicacies that comprise the goodness of carrots and make you stick to your fitness goals with the instruction of carrots in all the dishes that you cook for your family. Be it the desserts or the main course, delicious carrot recipes for...
Protected: Spicy Vegan Recipes
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Protected: Vegan Muffin Recipes
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High Riboflavin (B2) Foods
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) is found in abundance in foods such as milk, yoghurt, eggs, and cheese. Meat from the salmon's organs Spinach, beans, and mushrooms are among the ingredients in this dish. Vitamin B2, also known as riboflavin, is a water-soluble vitamin that is naturally found in foods, may be added to meals, and is...
High Lutein and Zeaxanthin Foods
Carotenoids are pigments generated by plants that give fruits and vegetables a yellow to reddish colour. Lutein and zeaxanthin are two prominent carotenoids. They're structurally quite similar, with just a little change in how their atoms are arranged. Both are powerful antioxidants with several health advantages. Lutein and zeaxanthin, on the other hand, are best...
High Folate (B9) Foods
The names folic acid and folate both refer to a kind of B vitamin (vitamin B9). Folate is a B vitamin that may be found in a variety of foods, including green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, and legumes. Folic acid is a synthetic (man-made) form of folate. It may be found in supplements and foods...
High Choline Foods
The data is obvious when it comes to choline: Americans aren't receiving enough of it in their diets. This crucial vitamin is needed for the normal functioning of our cells and is absolutely critical for healthy growth and development, despite the fact that only 10% of the population meets the daily required consumption. So how...
Beta Carotene Foods
Beta carotene is a red, orange, and yellow pigment present in a variety of plants and fruits, including carrots and other colourful vegetables. It's also known as carotenoids, and it provides about half of the vitamin A we require in our diet. Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains all contain it. This beta carotene is converted...