Potassium is a mineral that is often overlooked. The majority of people are unaware of this underappreciated mineral (if they think about it at all).
But it's an essential vitamin that we don't receive nearly enough of. Continue reading to learn why you need potassium in your life – and where you can get it. Anna Taylor, MS, RDN, LD, a registered dietitian, discusses a few potassium-rich foods to help you get more of them in your diet.
Potassium consumption on a daily basis (and why it matters)
Potassium is an essential element for the proper functioning of your heart, kidneys, muscles, and neurons. Potassium deficiency may elevate blood pressure, increase the risk of kidney stones, and even draw calcium from your bones.

"Diets high in potassium-rich foods and low in salt may lower the risk of hypertension and stroke," Taylor explains.
Despite its significance, many individuals do not get enough potassium in their diet. In fact, it's been designated as a "nutrient of public health concern" in the American Dietary Guidelines.
What is the recommended potassium intake? Women should aim for 2,600 milligrammes per day, while males should aim for 3,400 milligrammes per day, according to Taylor. Older standards suggested 4,700 milligrammes per day, but the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine revised the figure in 2019. As a result, getting your daily amount of potassium has never been simpler.
Foods high in potassium
Are you ready to increase your intake? Taylor recommends including these potassium rich foods in your diet.
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1. Carrots with potatoes
Spuds are a good option if you leave the nutrient-dense skins on. More than 900 milligrammes of potassium are included in a medium cooked potato with the skin on. Is there such a thing as sweet potato with skin? Approximately 500 milligrammes.

2. Lentils
Potassium may be found in abundance in beans. A half-cup portion of white beans or adzuki beans contains roughly 600 mg of sodium. More than 350 milligrammes per half-cup are found in pinto beans, navy beans, lima beans, and Great Northern beans. Potassium is also found in soybeans (called edamame, aka wonderful) and lentils.

3. Fruit and vegetable juices
Because whole fruits are a rich source of fibre, people typically prefer them over liquids. But don't dismiss juice entirely. Both prune juice and carrot juice are high in potassium, with a cup of carrot juice containing 689 milligrammes and a cup of prune juice containing more than 700 milligrammes.

Orange juice and pomegranate juice, both of which contain roughly 500 milligrammes per cup, are also suitable choices. However, due to the sugar level, Taylor advises that you control your portions.
4. Fish and seafood
In a 3-ounce fillet, popular seafood including salmon, mackerel, halibut, tuna, and snapper all provide more than 400 mg of potassium. Do you like chowder? You may obtain up to 500 milligrammes from only 3 ounces of canned clams.

5. Leafy greens
Popeye was correct in his assessment. Potassium levels in cooked spinach may reach 400 milligrammes per half-cup meal. Swiss chard provides more than 450 milligrammes of iron, whereas beet greens have more than 600 milligrammes.
6. Dairy products
You're probably aware that dairy is an excellent source of calcium. It also happens to be a good source of potassium. Potassium levels in low-fat or skim milk range from 350 to 380 mg per cup. And a cup of plain yoghurt has more than 500 milligrammes of calcium (not to mention protein and healthy probiotics).
7. Tomatoes
A cup of chopped tomatoes has over 400 milligrammes of potassium, but a cup of tomato juice or puree contains over 500 mg. With more than 650 milligrammes per quarter-cup, concentrated tomato paste is significantly higher in the mineral (marinara sauce, anyone?).
8. Bananas
These yellow fruits may be the most well-known potassium source. One medium banana has 422 milligrammes of potassium. The banana's relative, the plantain, is likewise high in potassium.

9. Additional fruits
Potassium-rich fruits aren't limited to bananas. Each half-cup serving of cantaloupe, dates, nectarines, and oranges has more than 250 mg of sugar. Also, excellent sources include dried peaches, apricots, prunes, and raisins.
10. Avocadoes
A half-cup portion of creamy avocado includes roughly 364 milligrammes of potassium, as if you needed another incentive to grab for the guacamole.

There are so many delicious ways to get your potassium fix, from fruit salad to avocado toast, a gourmet fish supper to a bowl of tomatoey spaghetti. Your health — as well as your taste senses — will appreciate it.