You can probably list on both hands the reasons you didn't get a decent night's sleep. The snoring of your lover. You've had a stressful day at work. There's a lot of light streaming in through your window. Observe the blue light emitted by your displays.
But there's another factor to consider if you're not sleeping as well as you should be: the meals you consume before night. While most individuals don't mind a modest night snack, the foods you pick may have an impact on your sleep. You probably already know not to drink coffee late at night, but coffee isn't the only thing that might cause sleep problems. Take a look at the top 11 worst food to eat before bed.

Worst Food to Eat Before Bed
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1. Tomatoes
If you've ever had acid reflux or heartburn, you're undoubtedly aware that eating tomatoes before the night isn't a smart idea. When you lay down, gravity no longer prevents the acidity in the tomatoes from creeping up your throat and ruining your sleep. That means there will be no pizza before bed.
2. Chocolate
That cup of hot cocoa may feel calm, and that warm chocolate chip cookie may seem like the ideal way to end the day, but they're not doing your sleep pattern any favors. Caffeine in chocolate prevents your body from getting the deep sleep it requires. Although chocolate has less caffeine than coffee, it is still excessive, particularly if you like dark chocolate (which has more caffeine than milk chocolate).

3. High-Fat Foods
The fat content of that late-night burger and fries is surely affecting your sleep. Because fatty meals take longer and are more difficult to digest, you may find yourself attempting to go asleep while your digestive system is still working. Bloating from high-fat meals doesn't help matters, either. So pass on those pre-bedtime nachos — and, yes, most types of pizza are also off the menu here.
4. High-Sugar Cereal
Many individuals like a bowl of cereal before bed, but if you want to get a good night's sleep, stick to whole-grain cereals with less than 5 grams of sugar per serving. Sugar is abundant in fun cereals like Lucky Charms and Cap'n Crunch. If you consume them before sleep, your blood sugar will spike and then plummet. A bad night's sleep is the end effect of these rapidly shifting glucose levels.
5. Water
Of course, you should drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep hydrated. However, the more you drink shortly before bed, the more likely you are to wake up to go to the toilet. Drink more throughout the day and less in the final few hours before night to meet your hydration objectives.

6. Onions
Acid reflux is caused by a variety of foods, not only tomatoes. As onions pass through your digestive tract, they produce gas. The pressure in your stomach is affected by the gas, which may cause acid to back up into your esophagus, particularly if you're resting flat. Unfortunately, raw and grilled onions have the same effect.
7. Donuts
You'll understand why donuts are one of the worst meals to consume before night once you discover that both high-sugar and high-fat foods are bad before sleep. Here's a fried dish with a lot of sugar. That means you'll have to deal with both the blood sugar rise and the digestive troubles that come with eating high-fat meals at the same time, which isn't ideal for sleeping.

8. Dried Fruit
Yes, dried fruit has a lot of fiber, which is beneficial to your digestive system. However, consuming too much fiber so close tonight might agitate your digestive system, resulting in gas and bloating. Furthermore, dried fruit has more sugar than fresh fruit, which might cause an uncomfortable sugar rush. Instead, as a night snack, go for a modest amount of fresh fruit.
9. Alcohol
This one could catch you off guard. After all, a glass of wine or a mixed drink might make you feel calm and perhaps sleepy, right? In fact, any form of alcohol has a bad impact on your sleep. Because alcohol metabolizes fast, you'll find yourself waking awake when it wears off. Pre-bedtime alcohol has been shown in studies to diminish nocturnal sleep and increase overnight awakeness. As an extra disadvantage, it exacerbates snoring, so keep that nightcap away from your companion as well as yourself.
10. Energy Drinks
You're unlikely to start downing Red Bull or Five-Hour Energy right before bedtime, but be aware that some energy drinks can take up to eight hours for some people to wear off. That extra liquid energy you drank to get you through the afternoon at work could still be raging through your system as you try to sleep at night. If you're having trouble sleeping, try cutting out caffeine at lunchtime to see if it helps.
11. Chips
Chips aren't just high in fat; they're also high in sodium. They're also rather oily. And studies show that greasy foods (along with sugary snacks and dairy products) before bedtime can actually lead to nightmares. That means that not only will you have trouble falling asleep thanks to digestive issues, but you might also wake up unpleasantly during the night. Save those Pringles and Kettle Chips for lunch or an afternoon snack instead.
Don’t worry, though. Giving up these late-night snacks doesn’t mean an end to your bedtime snack. Opt for healthy, sleep-friendly snacks instead. Good choices include chicken noodle soup, warm milk, chamomile tea, and fruit, such as bananas, kiwis, and cherries, all of which can give you that comfy, full feeling without disturbing your sleep.